Sunday, January 30, 2011


Started my first day of work in the Pune office way too early. I don't want to be getting in at 9:15 am when I'm going to have meetings until 9 or 10 at night. The office is really nice though, I think I like it better than the Evanston office.

The trip has been amazing so far. It's been a crazy few days, it feels like a week at least. I'm really not sure how to describe everything we've seen, but we'll get some pictures and thoughts posted soon.

1 comment:

  1. Matt and Meg
    Great to hear you have been so busy!! Travel can be like that sometimes, but we hope all the new sights and sounds slowly become more familiar and comforting....exciting times!
    We drove from Tucson to Las Vegas today and saw enough empty land to house the hoards of people you have been seeing!!
